Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

VP: TNI should prefer arms made by domestic industry

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the National Defense Forces (TNI) should not buy military hardware from foreign countries if what it needed could be supplied by the domestic armament industry.

The vice president made the remark during a visit to PT Pindad here on Friday to inspect the making of armored vehicles APS 6X6 and 4x4, ordered by the Defense Ministry.

"High appreciation should be given to PT Pindad because the company has been able to meet the TNI`s and National Police (Polri)`s need for arms," the vice president said, adding that the company was the best producer of armored vehicles in the ASEAN region.

Kalla on the occasion was accompanied by PT Pindad President Director Adik Aldvianto and West Java Provincial Legislative Assembly (DPRD) Speaker Ham Ruslan.

According to the vice president, PT Pindad was also able to produce ammunitions, light and heavy weapons in addition to armored vehicles for the military.

Kalla also appreciated the company because it was able to meet the Defense Ministry`s order for 154 armored vehicles APS 6X6 and 4x4 in two years.

"To me, PT Pindad has made an outstanding achievement in producing the 154 units of armored vehicles in a short time. The faster the better," Kalla said.

He said the purchase of home-made arms would save half of the state budget funds allocated for the Defense Ministry to procure arms abroad.

According to the vice president, the cost of 154 armored vehicles ordered by the Defense Ministry was Rp1.127 trillion but if they were bought abroad, the cost would be more twice as high.

Meanwhile, PT Pindad President Director Adik Alvianto said the company had already delivered d 20 units of a total of 154 armored vehicles ordered by the Defense Ministry, and 40 units would be handed over next month.


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