Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

The History Of Boromania Cyber

In the year 2008 Persibo successful degree Champion Division I League in Indonesia for the first time, with the results, then the next season this team is entitled to a campaign Division Main. debut in addition, paramilitary troops Angling Dharma also able to appear in the title of extraordinary Copa Indonesia, evidently many of the teams successfully prostrate. The predicate so that the Giant Killer "of the murderer biggest" be successful in get it.

Along with the achievements that have been dressed by the team achieve Stadium in Letjend H. Soedirman, the number of supporters "Boromania" always an increase. Therefore does not wonder if Persibo and Boromania often be in talks national football stage.

With the score, and the citizens residing in Bojonegoro foreign certainly want to know the development team of the land of birth. Because the Web has not yet Persibo officially, there is the son of Bojonegoro that taking the time to manage a web site with the aim of facilitating Boromania wherever located, so they easily obtain information related to the existence of Persibo.

From the embryo of emergence where Boromania Cyber. This community was initially free, and I tease each other through the virtual world, and just to comment on any posts / news in the web side www.persibo.bojonegoro.com. However, the line with the bergulirnya time, long run terciptalah between kinship and familiarity with each other. With the discussion and often perform together have a strong desire to have appeared capable of contributing so teak itself in supporting the team, the community is a gathering event for the first time. Gathering itself was conducted on Sunday, January 25, 2009.

Activities league before the match of the India Division Main East Region, between the master Persibo Bojonegoro guests on Holy Persiku Stadium Letjend H. Soedirman attended by hundreds of participants who are from various cities in Indonesia. In the event anang_cmp didaulat as the Chairman of this community for the first time, and in the same time defined as days so Persibo community support through the virtual world as the "Cyber Boromania".

Make symbol “But Not As fanatical Also Berkode ethics” and still uphold the philosophy of the DPP Boromania with the Peace and Family, this community has a hope and aspiration for a high can facilitate desire friends Boromania-Boronita wherever located. So that sense of fanaticism, militansi, and the loyalty and support in the atmosphere will remain awake Persibo media through the internet.

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