Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Continuity of BI`s policies not affected by Boediono`s resignation

Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor Miranda S Goeltom said the continuity of the central bank`s policies was assured although its governor , Boediono, had resigned.

"The continuity of the bank`s policies is not a problem because everything relating to it has been clearly stipulated in the law," Goeltom said at the parliament building here Monday.

She said, according to the law on Bank Indonesia, the senior deputy governor would take over the bank governor`s duties if the latter was unable to carry out his or her duties, including leading meetings of the bank`s board of governors.

"According to the law, final and strategic decisions are made by the board of governors at a meeting chaired by the senior deputy governor and in case he/she is incapacitated other deputy governors will replace him/her," she said.

Citing an example, she said "if the governor, for example, goes abroad for more than six days, it is the senior deputy governor who will take his posititon and make strategic decisions. So it is not a problem," she said.

A member of parliament, Andi Rahmat, shared Goeltom`s view. He said earlier that Governor Boediono`s resignation from the bank would not cause a problem. "We have already had a law for dealing with the situation," he said.

Deputy chairman of House Commission XI Endin AJ Soefihara meanwhile said there were three alternatives for dealing with the situation.

"Firstly, the senior deputy governor takes up the governor`s position, secondly proposing a new governor and thirdly handing over the task of governor to the senior deputy governor or the most senior deputy governors for the time being until a new governor has been appointed," he said.

Boediono has resigned from the post of Bank Indonesia governor following his nomination as the running mate of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for the presidential reace on July 8

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